Course Overview
- Develop their subject knowledge to a depth and breadth that enables them to teach their subject at KS3-KS4 with confidence and competence
- Understand the pedagogy of their subject and be both deliberate and judicious in their choice of methods and approaches
- Be able of the curriculum requirements for the age range they teach and have awareness of how content is chosen to be broad, balanced and deliberately sequenced
- Understand how learning happens in their subject and be able to use a range of approaches to ensure that knowledge is more likely to be retained
- Learn about the statutory assessment arrangements for Drama and be able to guide and prepare students for both internal and external assessment
- Anticipate and address common misconceptions within planning and lesson delivery
- Develop students’ hinterland knowledge and intellectual curiosity
- Use a wide range of subject terminology and be aware of strategies to help students use these terms for themselves
- Provide learners with actionable, motivational and manageable subject specific feedback in order for them to make progress in their learning
- Create classroom climates that are inclusive for all learners regardless of ability or background through an awareness of potential barriers to learning and how to overcome these
- Learn how to activate hard thinking in their subject as a result of a deliberate approach to structuring, explaining, questioning, interacting and embedding knowledge
Useful Websites
Entry Requirements
Reading List
Below are the essential texts you should read:
- How To Survive Your First Year in Teaching – Sue Cowley: Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd
- Inspired Drama Teaching: A Practical Guide for Teachers – Keith West: A&C Black.
- Starting Drama Teaching – Mike Fleming; David Fulton Publishers Ltd.
- Secondary Drama: A Creative Source Book – John Doona: Routledge.
The following texts are not essential reading but would be worth becoming familiar with:
- Another 100+ Ideas for Drama - Anna Scher and Charles Verrall: Heinemann Educational Publishers
- Artaud’s Theatre of Cruelty – Albert Bermel: Methuen
- Beginning Drama 11-14 - Jonothan Neelands: David Fulton Publishers Ltd
- Building a Character – Constantin Stanislavski & Elizabeth Reynolds Hapgood
- Commedia dell’Arte – An Actor’s Handbook – John Rudlin: Routledge
- Disability, Theatre and Education - Richard Tomlinson: Souvenir Press Ltd
- Dorothy Heathcote: Drama as a Learning Medium - Betty Jane Wagner: Greenwood Press
- Dramatherapy: Theory and Practice vol. 2 - Sue Jennings: Routledge
- Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Drama Student Book (Edexcel GCSE 9-1 Drama 2016)
- Edexcel A Level Drama and Theatre Student Book and ActiveBook (Edexcel A Level Drama 2016)
- Education & Dramatic Art: Second Edition – David Hornbrook: Routledge
- Games for Actors and Non-actors: Second Edition – Augusto Boal: Routledge
- How Drama Activates Learning: Contemporary Research and Practice – M Anderson: Bloomsbury Publishing
- Impro: Improvisation and the Theatre – Keith Johnstone: Methuen Drama
- Learning to Teach in a Secondary School: A Companion to School Experience - 4th Edition - Susan Capel, Marilyn Leask and Tony Turner: Routledge
- Learning to Teach Drama 11-18 - Andy Kempe and Helen Nicholson: Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd
- Masterclass in Drama Education: Transforming Teaching and Learning – M Anderson: Bloomsbury Publishing
- On Theatre – Bertolt Brecht & John Willett
- Progression in Secondary Drama - Andy Kempe and Marigold Ashwell: Heinemann Educational Publishers
- Structuring Drama Work: A Handbook of Available Forms in Theatre and Drama – Jonothan Neelands and Tony Goode: Cambridge University Press
- Technical Companion to Drama – Brian McGuire: Pearson Publishing
- The Actor and the Text – Cicely Berry: Virgin
- The Art of Drama Teaching - Michael Fleming: David Fulton Publishers Ltd
- The Oxford Illustrated History of the Theatre – John Russell Brown: Oxford University Press.
- Theatre Games: A New Approach to Drama Training – Clive Barker: Methuen
- The Theatre of Steven Berkoff – Steven Berkoff: New Ed. Edition 1993: Methuen Drama
- Towards a Poor Theatre – Jerzy Grotowski: Methuen
- Action Speaks Louder: A Handbook of Structured Group Techniques - Jane Remocker and Elizabeth T. Storch: Churchill Livingstone
Education Texts
- Dorothy Heathcote’s Story: Biography of a Remarkable Drama Teacher - Gavin Bolton: Trentham Books Ltd
- Drama Education and Special Needs - Ed. by Andy Kempe
- Drama for Learning: Dorothy Heathcote’s Mantle of the Expert Approach to Education. - Dorothy Heathcote and Gavin Bolton: Greenwood Press Subject Knowledge/Resources
- 100+ Ideas for Drama - Anna Scher and Charles Verrall: Heinemann Educational Publishers
- A Students Guide to Play Analysis - David Rush: Southern Illinois University Press
- Class Acts: Monologues for Teenagers - Clare Dowling and Caroline Williams: New Island Book
- Collected Works Vol. 4 – Antonin Artaud – John Calder: Calder Publications
- Costume 1066-1990’s – John Peacock: Thames & Hudson.
- Drama 14-16: A Book of Projects and Resources - Pauline Marson Stanley Thornes: Nelson Thornes Ltd
- Dramaform: A Practical Guide to Drama Techniques (Introducing Media) - Steve Barlow and Steve Skidmore. Hodder and Stoughton: Hodder Murray
- Drama Strategies: New Ideas from London Drama - Edited by Ken Taylor. Heinemann.
- Drama: Text into Performance – Peter Reynolds: Penguin
- The Actors’ Lab Workshops. A Book of Acting exercises. (Advanced Level) - Robin Wilson: First and Best in Education Ltd
- Graft: Tales of an Actor – Steven Berkoff: Oberon Books: Oberon Books Ltd
- How to Enjoy Shakespeare - Robert Thomas Fallon: Ivan R Dee, Inc
- Ideas That Work in Drama - Michael Theodorou. Stanley Thornes: Nelson Thornes Ltd
- Making Sense of Drama - Jonathan Neelands. Heinemann.
- Maskwork - Jennifer Foreman. With Photographs by Richard Penton: Greenwood press
- Playing Shakespeare – John Barton: Methuen
- Practical Drama & Theatre Arts: A Skilled-based Introduction for Student Performers and Technicians - David Chadderton
- Practical Theatre: A Post 16 Approach - Edited by Sally Mackey: Nelson Thornes Ltd
- Stanislavski – An Introduction – Benedetti: Methuen.
- Starting with Scripts - Andy Kempe & Lionel Warner. Stanley Thornes: Nelson Thornes Ltd
- The Actor and His Body – Pisk: Virgin
- Theatre Games: A New Approach to Drama Training - Clive Barker: Methuen Drama
- Theatre and its Double – Artaud: Calder
- The Empty Space – Peter Brook: Penguin
- The Oxford Illustrated History of Theatre – Brow: Oxford.
- The Physical Comedy Handbook - Davis Rider Robinson: Greenwood Press
- Voice and the Actor – Cicely Berry: Virgin
- Drama for People with Special Needs - Ann Cattanach: A & C Black (Children’s Books)
- Getting The Buggers to Behave – Sue Cowley: Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd: 3Rev ed.
- Interactive Research in Drama in Education - David Davis: Trentham Books Ltd
- Learning Through Theatre: New Perspectives on Theatre in Education - Edited by Tony Jackson: Routledge
- Secondary Education: The Key Concepts - J Wellington: Routledge Key Guides
- Speaking, Listening and Drama - Andy Kempe and Jan Holroyd: David Fulton Publishers Ltd
- Workshop Drama for Secondary Schools - Bob and Helen Orr: First & Best in Education Ltd
Course Funding
There is currently no funding for this subject. To find out more about financing your teacher training, click here
Course Codes
QTS with PGCE, full time or part time - 23FK
Any Questions?
If you have any queries about the content of this page please call the Mid Essex ITT office on 01376 556 398 or email us on
Lead Subject Tutor
Jo Howse
Jo Howse started her teaching career as a GTP based at Chelmer Valley High School (CVHS). She has remained at the school, having been given a range of opportunities in her time there.
She was promoted to Head of Drama only two years after she became a fully-qualified teacher.
Having been recognised for her outstanding teaching practice, Jo was selected to lead the Improving and Outstanding Teacher Programmes, facilitating the course to teachers from a range of Essex schools. She was also selected to form the Teaching and Learning Group at her school and she was influential in changing the school’s teaching and learning policy. She has also led whole-school INSET for staff on different topics, including SMSC and Challenging the Most-Able.
Jo keeps abreast of changes in her subject and is part of the Chelmsford Drama Network, meeting regularly to discuss specifications, share ideas and resources, and to seek development opportunities. She regularly organises enrichment activities, such as workshops, performances and theatre trips and tours. Jo is also a member of National Drama.
She continues to teach Drama and Performing Arts to a full range of ages and abilities. Jo has been Lead Subject Tutor for Drama since October 2016 and continues to thoroughly enjoy the role.
Jo has been the Professional Tutor at CVHS since May 2023, supporting trainees (and mentors) from across all subjects through the training year.