Course Overview
The PE ITT programme seeks to develop key subject knowledge within the delivery of a wide range of practical and theoretical activities. Trainees should develop their confidence in real world PE settings and be able to apply their understanding to modern day schemes of learning.
As a result, it is intended that PE trainee teachers will be able to:
- Develop their subject knowledge to a depth and breadth that enables them to teach their subject at KS3-KS4 with confidence and competence
- Understand the pedagogy of their subject and be both deliberate and judicious in their choice of methods and approaches
- Be able of the curriculum requirements for the age range they teach and have awareness of how content is chosen to be broad, balanced and deliberately sequenced
- Understand how learning happens in their subject and be able to use a range of approaches to ensure that knowledge is more likely to be retained
- Learn about the statutory assessment arrangements for Physical Education and be able to guide and prepare students for both internal and external assessment
- Anticipate and address common misconceptions within planning and lesson delivery
- Develop students’ hinterland knowledge and intellectual curiosity
- Use a wide range of subject terminology and be aware of strategies to help students use these terms for themselves
- Provide learners with actionable, motivational and manageable subject specific feedback in order for them to make progress in their learning
- Create classroom climates that are inclusive for all learners regardless of ability or background through an awareness of potential barriers to learning and how to overcome these
- Learn how to activate hard thinking in their subject as a result of a deliberate approach to structuring, explaining, questioning, interacting and embedding knowledge
Useful Websites
Entry Requirements
- Chemistry
- Computing
- French
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Spanish
You will need to complete the 8-week SKE course prior to starting in September 2025, but this can be completed online and in your own time. If you are eligible, you will also receive a bursary of £175 per week. During your training, you will also have the opportunity to teach some lessons in your second subject which may help you apply for a wider range of teaching jobs when you are qualified.
Reading List
Below are the essential texts you should read:
- Armour, K. (2012) Sport Pedagogy: An Introduction for Teaching and Coaching : Pearsons
- Bailey, R. (2010) Physical Education: A Guide for Secondary Schools : Continuum
- Bailey, R. & Kirk, D. (2009) The Routledge Physical Education Reader : Routledge
- Capel, S. & Whitehead, M. (2015) Learning to Teach Physical Education in the Secondary School: A companion to school experience (4th Edition) : Routledge
- Capel, S. & Whitehead, M (2013) Learning to Teach Physical Education in the Secondary School: A companion to school experience (2nd Edition) : Routledge
- Capel, S. & Breckon, P. (2013) A Practical Guide to Teaching Physical Education in the Secondary School (2nd Edition) : Routledge
- Darst, P., Pangrazi, R., Sariscsany, Dynamic Physical Education for Secondary School Students (7th Edition) : Benjamin Cummings M. J. & Brusseau, T. (2013)
- Grout, H. & Long, G. (2009) Improving Teaching and Learning in Physical Education : Open University Press
- Macfayden, T. & Bailey, R. (2002) Teaching Physical Education 11 – 18 : Continuum Scheff, H., Sprague, Experiencing Dance (2nd Edition) : Human Kinetics McGreevy-Nichol, S (2014)
- Stidder, G. & Hayes, S. (2012) Equity and Inclusion in Physical Education and Sport : Routledge
- Stidder, G. & Hayes, S. (2012) The Really Useful PE Book: Learning and Teaching 7 – 14 age range : Routledge
- Vickerman, P. (2007) Teaching Physical Education to Children with Special Educational Needs : Routledge
The following texts are not essential reading but would be worth becoming familiar with:
- Cowley, S. (2009) How to Survive Your First Year of Teaching (2nd Edition) : Continuum
- Green, K. & Hardman, K. (2004) Physical Education: Essential Issues : Sage
- Robinson, J. (2012) It’s Now Possible – Emerging Possibilities & Physical Education : Kindle Edition
- Smith, J. (2010) The Lazy Teachers Handbook : Crown House Publishing
Course Funding
There is currently no funding for this subject. To find out more about financing your teacher training, click here
Course Codes
QTS with PGCE, full time or part time 38GC
Any Questions?
If you have any queries about the content of this page please call the Mid Essex ITT office on 01376 556 398 or email us on
Lead Subject Tutor
Gareth Edwards
Gareth is a teacher with 23 years' experience. He started at Colchester Sixth Form College after getting his Bachelor of Education degree at De Montfort University. He joined Alec Hunter in 2001 and progressed through various roles including leading the Gifted & Talented programme. He became Head of PE at Alec Hunter Academy in 2006, and has enjoyed the role ever since.
This experience as a subject leader will enhance the development of the new generation of PE teachers. He has seen through multiple ECTs who have gone on to lead departments or have joined leadership groups in schools, and has found that role rewarding and self-developing in the process.
This is Gareth's second year as PE LST and is looking forward to supporting the new batch of trainee teachers.